5. Internationale Konferenz des Kompetenznetz "Regieren in China"

Vom 21. bis 22. November 2014 findet die 5. Internationale Konferenz des Kompetenznetzwerkes "Regieren in China" und des Arbeitskreis der sozialwissenschaftlichen Asienforschung (ASC) an der Freien Universität Berlin statt.

Ankündigung: Abschlusskonferenz 2014

Vom 27.-29. März 2014 findet in Nanchang (Jiangxi Province), China, eine gemeinsame Konferenz des “China Center for Global Governance and Development” und des Kompetenznetzes "Regieren in China" zum Thema: "Governance, Adaptability and System Stability under Contemporary One-Party Rule: Comparative Perspectives" statt.


Mehr Informationen unter: www.nanchang2014.org

4th International Conference

Vom 22. bis 23. November 2013 findet die 4. Internationale Konferenz des Kompetenznetzwerkes "Regieren in China" und des Arbeitskreis der sozialwissenschaftlichen Asienforschung (ASC) im Centrum für Internationale Entwicklung in Wien statt.

3rd International Conference

3. Internationale Konferenz des Kompetenznetzwerkes "Regieren in China" und des Arbeitskreis der sozialwissenschaftlichen Asienforschung (ASC) vom 23. bis 24.11.2012 in Tübingen.

2nd International Conference

2. Internationale Konferenz des Kompetenznetzwerkes "Regieren in China" und des Arbeitskreis der sozialwissenschaftlichen Asienforschung (ASC) vom 10. bis 11. Dezember 2011 in Hamburg.

International Conference

Research Network "Governance in China" and Association for Social Science Research on China (ASC) Joint International Conference, November 26-28, 2010

Preliminary Schedule


Venue: Maritim Hotel, Pleichertorstraße 5, 97070 Würzburg       


Prior to the conference an internal workshop of the Research Network "Governance in China" will be held at the University of Würzburg.


Program as of October 1, 2010

Papers will be distributed well in advance and should be read by all participants. Presentations are therefore limited to 10 minutes. Commentaries also 10 minutes each.


Friday, November 26, 2010, afternoon

Panel 1: Innovation, Economic Policy and Institutional Change

 Chair (Part 1): Björn Alpermann


Opening Remarks: Björn Alpermann (University of Würzburg)


Sebastian Heilmann (University of Trier), “The Reinvention of Development Planning in China, 1993-2010"


Commentary: Markus Taube (University of Duisburg-Essen


Marcus Conlé (University of Duisburg-Essen): “Health Biotechnology in China: National, Regional, and Sectoral Dimensions“


Commentary: Mu Rongping (Chinese Academy of Sciences)


Coffee break

Chair (Part 2):

Monika Schädler (University of Applied Sciences Bremen)



Ching Kwan Lee/Zhang Yonghong (UC Los Angeles and Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou): “Seeing Like the Grassroots State: How China Maintains Social Stability in 2008”

Commentary: Sascha Klotzbücher (University of Vienna)



Elena Meyer-Clement (University of Tübingen): “Institutional Developments in the Chinese Film and Music Industries - The Role of Private Production Companies”

Commentary: Doris Fischer (German Development Institute, DIE)



Saturday, November 27, 2010

Panel 2: Governance and Political Autonomy in China’s Local State: County and Township Cadres as Strategic Groups




Thomas Heberer and Gunter Schubert (Universities of Duisburg-Essen and Tübingen): Introductory Remarks on the Duisburg-Tuebingen Project


Anna Ahlers and Gunter Schubert (University of Tübingen): “Strategic Groups and Rural Development: Experiences from Three Counties”


Commentary: Stig Thøgersen (University of Aarhus)



Coffee break


Thomas Heberer and René Trappel (University of Duisburg-Essen): “Strategic Groups and Institutional Maneuvering: Evaluation Systems as a Case Study”


Commentary: Susan Whiting (University of Washington, Seattle)


Heberer/Schubert: Preliminary conclusions


Lunch break




Open Discussion: Local Governance in the PRC: the state of the field



  • Input 1: Vivienne Shue (University of Oxford)
  • Input 2: Stig Thøgersen (University of Aarhus)



Coffee break


Business Meeting of the ASC
(International guests and non-ASC members may participate in a guided city tour)


Conference Dinner (Juliusspital)




Sunday, November 28, 2010:

Panel 3: Media and Social Identity in China


 Chair: Nora Sausmikat (Asienhaus Essen)



Felix Wemheuer (University of Vienna): “No Sex in the City: Dangerous Desires of Chinese Peasant Workers in the Official Discourse


Commentary: Dominique Schirmer (University of Freiburg)


Coffee break


Christian Göbel (University of Lund): “State Propaganda, New Socialist Countryside and Local Social Identities”


Commentary: Stephan Ortmann (Distance Learning University of Hagen)


Coffee break


Daniela Stockmann (University of Leiden): “Advertising Chinese Politics: The Effects of Public Service Announcements in Urban China”


Commentary: Heike Holbig (GIGA Institute of Asian Studies, Hamburg)


General Discussion and Conclusion of the Conference


The conference concludes with lunch.



The conference concludes with a business meeting of all ASC members and lunch.



Prof. Dr. Björn Alpermann, Institut für Kulturwissenschaften Ost- und Südasiens – Sinologie, Universität Würzburg, Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg

[email protected], Tel.: 0931 – 31 88 460